Hi, my name is Fzorb. I am a person from Bucharest, Romania with a deep passion for computers and technology. I am also interested in urbanism, games, history and music

Currently I can be found at the following places.
Email: fzorb@fzorb.xyz or alternatively fzorb@airmail.cc
Twitter/X: @fzorbie
Discord: @fzorbie
Telegram: @fzorb
Matrix: @fzorb:m.fzorb.xyz
Git: @fzorb@git.fzorb.xyz or alternatively @fzorb@github.com
Fediverse: @fzorb@p.fzorb.xyz
LastFM: @fzorb
Public Key: https://fzorb.xyz/pub.asc

Stuff I host: /services
About me: /whoami

fzorb bokku zorbmail frantech debian no javascript lynx zx86 vim linux kernel gitea firefox xkcd monero fsf lilrib

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