DD-WRT as a Wireless Client Bridge


If you live in a house where extending a simple networking cable would require a lot of work, you might find yourself buying something like a network printer and not being able to connect it to the network due to it not supporting wifi. These situations suck, but thankfully, there’s a solution, the Wireless Client Bridge.

Okay, what the hell is that?

A Wireless Client Bridge is a device that helps your computer/laptop/smart fridge connect to the internet when a direct wired connection to your main router wouldn’t be possible.



Here’s a handy diagram of what we’ll be doing today: a diagram

1. Setting up DD-WRT

It should be obvious that you must install DD-WRT on a compatible router. I decided for this setup to go with the old but reliable TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND. But you may be asking yourself, why use DD-WRT? Well, DD-WRT is simpler than alternatives like OpenWRT. That’s it.

2. Initial setup

After flashing DD-WRT, you should go to the setup tab, and fill in the following:

Your settings should look something like this

3. Disabling the firewall

This can be done via Security > Firewall

Now you may be thinking why you’d disable the firewall. Well, that is handled by your main router.

4. Connecting to the wireless network:

Go to Wireless > Basic Settings and fill in the following:

Now go to the Wireless Security tab and chose the following (these are the most common settings found on most routers):

Now you can check if you configured the wireless stuff correctly by going to the Status > Wireless tab and reviewing the stuff there.

5. Profit

Now you can finally apply all the changes. You’ll have to change to or whatever IP you chose in step 1 for the router.

I am still a DD-WRT novice, so if I missed anything, or something doesn’t work properly, please let me know.