Running a fediverse server (for (nearly) free!)


Running a fediverse server is now easier than ever, you can run it on hardware as low spec as a Raspberry Pi. With the recent twitter drama, it is extremely lucrative to create a fediverse account now. While you may find it easier to create an account on a more well-estabilished server, it isn’t exactly the best idea. Why? Well, if you’re going to make an account on a well estabilished instance, you’re subject to their moderation policies, and, you can get banned for some nonsensical reasons. By hosting a server, you’re practically becoming censorship-resistant.


Basic setup

You will want to add your domain to Cloudflare, this isn’t required, but it is reccomended as you may encounter bad actors trying to attack your instance. If you use Cloudflare Domains, this was already done for you.
After you’ve added your domain to Cloudflare you must go to your ingress rules (instance page > vcn > subnet > security list) and add the following rules:	All Protocols				All traffic for all ports

You may think that it is insecure, but we will be adding a firewall on our server now. We’ll be using ufw since it is the easiest to set up for newbies.

sudo apt-get install ufw
ufw allow 22
ufw allow 80
ufw allow 443

Picking your poison

Oh well, this might be easy for some or hard for some, so I will cover each option.


Making a fediverse server is simple, but the hard part is maintaining it.